Search engine optimization is essential for websites to rank highly. A well-optimized website is more likely to be noticed by visitors. Many SEO agencies in Abu Dhabi make common mistakes that can hurt your rankings. Avoid these common blunders, and you will see your website traffic skyrocket! Here are some of the most common ones and how to avoid them. Read on to learn how to fix them! Listed below are some examples of common SEO mistakes.
Duplicate content is a major SEO mistake:
Using similar or duplicate content on two different pages can lower your ranking. Google doesn’t penalize websites for duplicate content, but it does affect the search results. Even if you’re able to optimize the content on both pages, the search engines may not see them as unique. Instead, they’ll pick the more relevant version of the searcher’s intent.
Lack of unique content:
The second most common SEO mistake is a lack of unique content. This can be in the same domain or on another one. In e-commerce websites, this is especially a major mistake. There are many product pages, and the search bots don’t know which ones to index. As a result, duplicate content can result in lower search engine rankings. In addition to copying content, it’s important to make sure all of your Meta tags and body texts are unique.
Long URL:
A common SEO mistake is a long URL. While keeping the URL short is important, it’s also not searching engine friendly. If your URL is too long, it’s unreadable for Google, and it’s also not readable for readers. The best URLs are shorter and more user-friendly. In addition to optimizing your site, a short URL is essential to ensuring good search engine rankings.
Not optimizing the website’s content correctlyā€¯
A common SEO mistake is not optimizing the website’s content correctly. While it’s not as serious as an outdated strategy, it still needs to be corrected. Using outdated SEO techniques can hurt your ranking in the search engines. Likewise, a poorly optimized site is not optimized for mobile. For example, it’s too slow for Google to index it properly. A fast-loading site is a better option for consumers. If you want to improve your website ranking, make sure to avoid making these common mistakes when SEO your website.